Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Cassandra Barney has just released these fine art small works called Ex Votos, which means little expressions of gratitude. As explained by her publisher, Greenwich Workshop," Today Ex Vetos are most widely known as the folk art works created on tin and found in shrines across Mexico"

This first one is "Bounties of the Earth", for all of the gardeners who know the joy of a successful garden.

"These little artworks are painted out of gratitude for the miracles, protection and prayers answered not only in my life, but for many of us" says the artist.

The second one is titled "Dance" and the third one is called "To Never Ending Love". I find this last one particularly suitable for Wedding gifts.

We have them on display and available in our gallery. Cassandra will be at the Bountiful Gallery on Saturday November 13th from 6pm to 8pm. If you would like any additional information, please call the gallery at 801-296-0718.

We hope you will come and meet Cassandra.